Timeline Events
Some important events that happened in history in this region: wars, political events, and anything else of note.
Nagarea Theocracy
Located on the southern continent, Nagarea is south-southwest of Falena. It was founded by the Nagarist Order a long time ago, who united a group of small nations under its banner.

Nagarists believe that dragon-horses are foul creatures and must be cleansed from the world. This, combined with the new nation's thirst for power, Nagarea sent an 'armed missionary group' (army) into the area of the dragon-horse people, which is conveniently the closest area of Falena to Nagarea. However, a force consisting of both the fierce dragon-horse fighters, and the Falenan Queendom's Army repulsed the Nagareans.

In the year IS 376, the Great Earthquake destroyed the land route between Falena and Nagarea, and without an attack route, Nagarea has been relatively quiet for a long time. However, with the dissolution of the Nether's Gate in Falena in the early 440s, two of the leaders of the organization fled to Nagarea, and are rumored to have regrouped the organization under a new master.

KoRnholio's comment:
This would be an interesting army to see fight. Too bad about that earthquake.