Hugo's Father

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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by johnrolliemar0709 »

mybe Han.... LuCA???? i dnt thnk so ehehehehe LUca is a mad prince all he think bout is killing the state
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Mrs. Luca Blight »

I'm opposed to idea these guys being hugo's dad:
1. Luca-- OMG, there's no way he can be with lucia. he's already dead when lucia appears.
2. Riou-- Just can't imagine it. he's even too young too kiss! 0/////////0 ANd Lucia will never sleep with enemy.
3. Jowy-- If he is only using his wife, there's no way he would be with other girls anyway. i can't reallly explain it, but I can only think Jowy being with either Jillia or Nanami.

More possible guys (for me) :
1. Georg-- It's already been stated very clearly in this topic
2. Geddoe-- Well, I know he's not in the previous games, but still reasonable. Also has been stated in this topic.
3. Shin-- I don't really like this idea, but it's still possible.

But I think the lucky guy is Seed. He's a fine leader and an honorable man, he'd been in suiko 2 on Highland side, got the time to be with Lucia. His personality suits Hugo's-- hot headed, act before thinks, really hugo-like! (although seed is a lot more arrogant)
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Re: Well...

Post by i-heart-percival »

jonathan_priest wrote:Regardless of whether or not he was in love with Teresa is a matter of secondary importance. After all, he left after the end of SII and never returned. So that doesn't discount that he could be Hugo's father. Besides, from my impressions, Shin was a man who wanted to protect people...maybe he felt Teresa had become strong enough to no longer need his protection but maybe Lucia's moment of weakness...hmm... Anyway, I never said I actually believed my own hypothesis, simply that it could be true. Bottom line though, in SIII, Hugo is 15, which is the same number of years after the Dunan Unification War. So, he would have to have been born before the war ended (which I don't think since it's never mentioned) or within a year after the war to get him to be the same age, which doesn't leave much time for courtship (3 months max) And I don't think Lucia is the type to have a boyfriend while she was in the war...she seemed too interested in proving herself. So, that would mean the soldier was someone she met during the war and would have had to get to know and respect enough to care for. We never see much of the Highland side to see who she interacts with but could be Hans Cunningham for all we know. Waitaminute, that could actually have happened.

But there are all sorts of questions like that. Who was Shanon's father? It's assumed that Meg is Belle's mother but who's her father? All sorts of things like that with unresolved mysteries. It's probably one of those things that will never be answered, much like why Georg killed the Queen of Faleena and stuff like that. Too bad too, it'd be nice if Kidd actually gave some useful information like Richmond. Oh well.
actually the real reason Georg killed Arshtat was because of the talk that Ferid and Georg had a few nights was Ferid's request to have Georg kill Arshtat because the Sun Rune was out of control...she would have brought a terrible fate to Falena if Georg didn't step in...and besides, with the discussion that Ferid and Georg had, Ferid would have done it himself...
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Post by i-heart-percival »

Wraith wrote:Ehm dous it really matter who Hugo's father is?
What about Luc?
okay so he was 15 at that time....

What about Han?
Luca Blight!!!!!????
Just kidding

now here's my theorie:Lucia was impreginated by the Flame Champion.
How you ask?
The True Fire Rune having the soul of the FC knew that Hugo, being the official FC, Would become its next Inheritor so the soul of the FC made Lucia pregenant of Hugo.
Well, the FC has black hair....
And that would make him a full grasslander by blood.
hmm...Luca THAT would be interesting lol
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Post by i-heart-percival »

Crowley's_Apprentice wrote:Actually, I just thought of something...
Georg very well could be Hugo's dad: during all those times while he was gone during S5... he could have visited Lucia. During those time... Lucia could have concieved Hugo. I don't know the timeline too well, but it seems like a logical thought... So maybe Georg really didnt just spend a few hours in bed with Lucia. Maybe he left about every couple of weeks to see his baby and its momma.
i doubt that Georg went 2 see Lucia because Falena is wayyyyyyy down south, and Karaya is wayyyyy up north, so i wouldnt think it'd be possible because that's a long freakin way from, Georg wouldn't be able to help the prince would he if he did see Lucia?
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Jack of All Trades »

I realize that this thread is very old but I just have to get my two cents in.

To review these are the known criteria for Hugo's potential fathers:

1. He's Older than Lucia.
2. He has black hair.
3. He's Strong.
4. He's Kind.
5. He's Honorable.
6. He was in Dunan during the Unification War.
7. He is somebody we've seen before.

This surprisingly narrows the choices down significantly.

1. Han
2. Vicktor
3. Georg

I didn't include Leon because he is not kind or honorable (thus, the Kaleka Incident), I didn't include Riou because of his age, I didn't include Geddoe because we didn't see him in Dunan during S2, and I didn't include Shin because if you can't see his hair and why would Konami make such a big deal of Hugo's Father's black hair in the first place.

We can narrow the field further into the realm of greater probability but first I'd like to suggest another piece of speculative criteria, The genetics of bearing a true rune. It seems to me that most true runes will not be wielded by any Joe Schmoe. The Rune of Punishment may be an exception. We know that Hikusaak created clones of himself to bear different True Runes. This suggests that his Genetic Code was more important than personality. We've seen many examples of True Rune bearer's relatives bearing True Runes. Windy and Leknaat were sisters possessing two halves of the Gate Rune, Wyatt bearer of the True Water Rune and Chris Lightfellow bearer of either the True Water or the True Lightning Rune were father and daughter, Ted inherited the Soul Eater from his Grandfather, the Sovereign and Sun Runes was passed down as royal family heirlooms. Even the Rune of Punishment may follow this logic as it was born by the Queen of Obel and Lazlo who is speculated to be her son.

What does this mean for the Hugo's Father it suggests that Hugo's father was a very likely candidate to bear a True Rune. While this does not eliminate Georg from the potential paternity of Hugo it increases the likelihood of the other two candidates beyond him, narrowing the field to two more likely candidates in Viktor and Han Cunninham. You can argue that Viktor is not a real True Rune Bearer because of the Night Rune's Sword form, which leave's Han Cunningham as the most possible candidate in this category. However, I'd like to mention that Han was a whopping 64 years old during the war, making him significantly older than Lucia and more importantly reduces his chances of fertility.

I would like to note that the circumstances surrounding Lucia's mysterious escape from Prison may be a result of a prison fling with her and one of the dark haired Gentleman in the New Allied Army. Since Viktor was her jailer it once again points the finger in his direction.

Finally, there is the issue of Skin Pigmentation. Hugo's skin is pretty dark. Of all three candidates Viktor has the darkest skin tone which he most likely inherited from his Grasslander grandmother.

I'm a huge fan of Georg Prime, but I believe that because of their True Runes, either Viktor or Han or more likely candidates for Hugo's Father. I'm leaning towards Viktor.
Last edited by Jack of All Trades on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Vextor »

Jack of All Trades wrote: 1. Hans
I'm sure you meant Han Cunningham, because Hans is the armor selling dude in Suikoden II, and he has blonde hair.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Jack of All Trades »

You are correct sir. I meant to say Han. You will notice later that I did get his name correct.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Benthos »

Is there any possibility that any of the guys of past Suikodens had or has the habit of dyeing his hair?

This opens up a lot more possibilities, as Beechum and even Jimba could have actually been born with black hairs and have dyed it to never reveal their identity as Hugo's father to him or the public.

This could also mean that Hugo's father is kinda ashamed of himself for probably not have taken care of his son and Lucia.

OMG, I'm really confused now. Konami, please shed some light on that mystery!!!
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by blah1017 »

Jack of All Trades, you raise some interesting points that I never thought of regarding the possibility of Viktor being the father. But I highly doubt that Viktor had a hand in Lucia escaping from the castle prison.

She showed up to kill Riou, Viktor wouldn't just let her go. He's loyal if nothing else.

I'd like to say Han is the father. Really the only thing detracting from him being the father is his age, and I can still see it as plausible.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Jack of All Trades »

I agree, it seems odd that Viktor would set a would be assassin free. However you'd have to read between the lines to get your answer here. Viktor is a pretty lonely guy, and he has a hero complex. I can imagine Lucia being able to play the victim in the jail cell, garnering more than a chance for her freedom. I think its more likely that they would have a real moment and she would see an opportunity for escape and seize it rather than sleep with Viktor for a way out.

It's all and all more likely that he's Han's child, however he looks like Viktor's kid. Hugo is huge for a 14 year old boy, very bear-like. He's also got some pretty wild hair going on, just like Viktor. He has the same skin tone as all of the other grasslanders and we know that skin pigment blends genetically, creating that "light-skinned" appearance. Since Viktor is part grassie it explains his darker skin tone a little better. He'd look more "mixed" if Han was his Father.

However...apparently Hugo's Father "was" a kind man. That implies that he is no longer living and since Viktor was alive during Suikoden III, it pretty much makes Han Cunningham the only feasible candidate.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by blah1017 »

Those are some good points I must admit. I suppose it could be Viktor.

And it's not like Lucia is keeping tabs on everyone, she could just be assuming that Viktor died in the aftermath of Suikoden 2. Who knows?

I'm still going to go with saying that it was Han, but I can see it being Viktor.

It would really be nice if Konami would do our work for us and just tell us who the father is. Why must everything be an enigma!

Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Abyss »

I've always thought it could be Badeaux. Sure, he's not the 'cool' theory, but lets have a look:

1. He's Older than Lucia.
2. He has black hair.
3. He's Strong.
4. He's Kind.
5. He's Honorable.
6. He was in Dunan during the Unification War.
7. He is somebody we've seen before.

Badeaux was older then Lucia, has black hair, was present for the Dunan War, and we've seen him before. While 'he's strong' is a bit ambiguous, he was at least strong enough to be a fighter. He's kind and honorable when it comes to animals.

But lets look at other facts: Lucia would have had to travel through Greenhill during the war, which is where Badeaux was hanging around. They both use whips. They're both 'nature' people. There's even a reason for him to be absent, without dying or the like- he doesn't want to live with people, and knew that the Karaya clan would raise Hugo, which makes a hell of a lot more sense then most of the other candidates knocking up Lucia then abandoning her.

Then look at Hugo, who shares a link to his Griffon Feath......Sorry, Fubar. And generally has the whole nature thing that the Karayans and Badeaux share.

So yeah, the only reason I can see against it is that Badeaux doesn't have the charisma/popularity of....well, just about any other choice. But unless there's some other information about the father or Badeaux himself, he seems to fit perfectly.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Belcoot4 »

I think the mystery of Hugo's father goes deeper than the looks. I mean my moms white and my dads korean, I got dirty blonde hair and blue eyes which neither of them have, but eyes are a lil slanty so Hugo doesnt really have to be an exact mix of Lucia and our mystery man. I can see where it could be Badeaux because of the relationship with animals and how he fits in the time line, but Hugo has the soul of a warrior and he would have never gotten that kind of fire power coming from that man. I don't think its Luca Blight either beacause one Hugo would have came out looking a lil lighter and if Lucia and Luca did have a baby it would probaly turn out to be a villain thats way too much of warriors blood. I think Hans or Georg Prime or Viktor fit the mold the best. Hans is legendary, fits the timeline, and was no longer around once S3 came out. I also believe it could be Georg because they said Hugo's father was a kind man. "Was" meaning no longer around or dead and everybody knows Georg went on a traveling adventure. Viktor also fits because he was so involved in what went on at the end of S2 so theres no telling what happened after L'Renouille went down because once S3 Lucia has a baby (Hugo), Viktor gave up the Star Dragon Sword, and the fact they said he was also a kind man.
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Re: Hugo's Father

Post by Icegryphon »

Definitely not Lucia didn't show up in Highland until King Jowy gave them a chance.

Definitely not Viktor...don't we have theories about him and Anabelle being Edge's parents?

Badeaux? I really doubt some random stupid character that does absolutely nothing for the story is his father.

Hans? I guess it's possible but there's not a shred of proof. The only thing supporting this is that he happened to be in the same place at the same time as Lucia...and then died right after.

Georg? Same as Hans, they happened to be around the same place at the same time, but I really don't see that being probable at all.

I'd say the best choices are Beechum or Jimba or possibly Jowy. She definitely dug on Jowy a lot and was around him, and when you kill her in an army battle she says something like "Beechum, I'm sorry..." and when you die I'm sure your love is who comes to your mind. And the reason Jimba is possible is because he looks like a lighter version of Hugo...even wears his sword the same (although this could just be that he taught Hugo combat for whatever reason...or cause he's the father).
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