Neclord Battle Question

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Neclord Battle Question

Post by TheyCallMeStacy »

EDIT: I didn't notice earlier, but Kage had the spark rune on, so I think that is likely what made Viktor miss. I know the spark rune works weirdly in this game, as in my other thread I mention how it won't let another character attack twice if they have a double beat rune, so maybe it alters the character's attack property or something.

I was watching this random video of the Neclord fight at his castle, and interestingly, when the player told everyone to attack, he dodged even Viktor's attack. He then put free will, and Neclord dodged every attack. When Viktor's health was low, however, and the player ordered him to heal, he attacked anyway, hitting and triggering the usual animation and making Neclord vulnerable. I am guessing this is the game's way of preventing the battle from being unwinnable if Viktor faints before he attacks Neclord.

Thus, does anyone know what happens if they enter the battle with Viktor already fainted? Haha, I can imagine this as one reason why they provide the coffins as a free inn to prevent this sort of thing from happening. I don't have a save to test this out, but I would love to see what happens.

On a similar note, does this game use your current HP when entering duels? I am guessing that you would just automatically lose if you tried to enter one with the dueling character having no HP.

Here's the video (battle starts at 18:20)
Last edited by TheyCallMeStacy on Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by gildedtalon »

Most people don't even know about the coffins act as a free inn.

Yep, game uses current HP when entering duels. It's why I lost so many duels in the past.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by Celes »

Neclord is invulnerable to all elements and has a 100% evade until he was hit by a normal attack from Viktor. Then he switches to another ste of stats (see bestiary).

HP, max HP, ATK and ARM are used for duels.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by TheyCallMeStacy »

Celes wrote:Neclord is invulnerable to all elements and has a 100% evade until he was hit by a normal attack from Viktor. Then he switches to another ste of stats (see bestiary).

HP, max HP, ATK and ARM are used for duels.
Thanks for the reply, Celes. Not trying to be rude, since I absolutely appreciate all the work you have done, but I've played this game a bunch of times (mainly because your site is so awesome and makes it easy to plan everything!) so I already know that Neclord is invulnerable to attacks until Viktor hits him :D . The video I linked was just the first time I've ever seen him dodge Viktor's initial attack, which I have never seen ever happen in any playthrough, my own or anybody else's, and the game overriding the player's command telling Viktor to heal just forced me to think about what would happen if Viktor was not able to attack because he was knocked out (ie would you just be stuck in an unwinnable battle, but actually be forced to continue at the game over screen). It's the same reason why I thought about the question about duels, since I always just fully healed a character if they got knocked out, so I never thought to enter a duel with a knocked out character. Sorry If I wasn't clear enough about this in my initial post.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by Z3R01337 »

Worth noting that there is only 1 way to hit Neclord before Viktor's attack and that is Black Shadow. I think Judgement might work too but it is inaccessible at this point in the game.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by Celes »

Black Shadow inflicts damage?
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by wataru14 »

I don't think it does. Spells can't "miss" the Neclord, they just do 0 damage. Maybe OP saw the damage readout through peripheral vision and didn't realize the damage display said 0?
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by Z3R01337 »

Black Shadow does inflict actual, normal damage. I thought it might just be a visual bug so I counted total health left after and it does do damage. The only other thing I can think of is that it might be version specific since I was playing on the PSTV version but I really doubt it.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by TheyCallMeStacy »

Haha I know this is a years old post but it seems nobody has figured out an answer - I wish I had an old save so I could just test what happens if you enter a duel where the dueling character has no HP (I am assuming you just lose instantly), or Viktor has no HP when you confront Neclord (would the game let you fight an unwinnable battle?). I had hope when I saw someone posted a Tir solo challenge run, but he healed Viktor before the battle :cry:
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by Z3R01337 »

Went and tested some stuff right now.
On the first Neclord battle, Black Shadow doesn't do any damage. It only does damage on the second, even before Viktor hits him with SDS. I always thought it was a bug, but now I think it was intentional. It would make sense if the Soul Eater of all things would still be able to damage Neclord. Also confirmed that it actually does damage to him.

If Viktor is dead vs Neclord, you just can't ever hit him with SDS so the only way to do any damage is Black Shadow. In other words, Viktor can't enter the battle dead if you want to win lol.

Entered Hero vs Teo duel with 0 HP, you can take 1 turn and then you instantly lose. He defended, I attacked, and I lost right after. In the case of a draw you still lose, so even if you managed to one shot him you still lose.

Another fun one I tested a long time ago, if you enter a battle with at least 1 character that has 3 balloons and the others also have 3 balloons or are dead, the game will let you input your actions for the turn but as soon as you start the turn you game over. Funnily enough, you can still run/bribe without game overing. If you try to run and fail though, instant game over.
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Re: Neclord Battle Question

Post by TheyCallMeStacy »

Wow, thank you for testing this! I really appreciate you taking the effort to do so.

And that's interesting haha. But in a way I kind of like it - plot wise I don't really like Neclord because the idea of him being completely immortal, only being able to be defeated by a particular true rune, kind of goes against one of the points of the series, which is that even the most powerful, all-mighty true rune holders are mortal, and can thus be killed if they let their guard down, get careless, or are just outmatched in battle. So I like the idea of Neclord still being vulnerable to true runes in general, not just the SDS - plot wise he would seem like the most powerful being in the universe if this wasn't the case.

And I see, thanks for the confirmation.

And that's funny haha. I think I saw a video of someone showing this, but I don't remember the particular video. The balloon status is so rare that most people would never encounter this type of situation, but it's fun to confirm things nonetheless.
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